I Need to Breathe Deeply

Photo by voltamax / pixabay.com

Eternal Friend,

grant me an ease

to breathe deeply of this moment,

this light,

this miracle of now.

Beneath the din and fury

of great movements

and harsh news

and urgent crises,

make me attentive still

to good news,

to small occasions,

and the grace of what is possible

for me to be,

to do,

to give,

to receive,

that I may miss neither my neighbor’s gift

nor my enemy’s need.

Precious Lord,

grant me

a sense of humor

that adds perspective to compassion,


that adds persistence to courage,

quietness of spirit

that adds irrepressibility to hope,

openness of mind

that adds surprise to joy,

that with gladness of heart

I may link arm and aim

with the One who saw signs of your kingdom

in salt and yeast,

pearls and seeds,

travelers and tax collectors

sowers and harlots,

foreigners and fishermen,

and who opens my eyes with these signs

and my ears with the summons

to follow to something more

of justice and joy.

Taken from Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle by Ted Loder, copyright 1997 Innisfree Press; 2004 Augsburg Fortress edition.  Used by kind permission of Augsburg Fortress.

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