My Favorite Color is Blue Sometimes

My Favorite Color is Blue Sometimes by Roger Hutchison / Paraclete Press, 2017

When I think of you

I see yellow.

Yellow is the flickering flame of a candle.

Yellow is a sour lemon.

Yellow is a sunflower

standing tall and proud.

Yellow is a soft blanket,

comfort on a cold morning.

Yellow is holding hands.

Yellow is a shooting star in the night sky.

You blink and it is gone.

Yellow is a shooting star in the night sky. You blink and it is gone.

You are a shooting star.

Your light trails across the heavens.

I blinked

and you were gone.

My Favorite Color is Blue Sometimes is a beautiful exploration of color, using art to journey through the process of loss. Copyright Paraclete Press, used by permission.

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